Life Coaching in Southend-On-Sea, Essex

How can Life Coaching help you?

To make improvements in your life, first, you must recognise that something needs to change; if you keep doing the same, you will continue to get the same. 

This realisation might come about after experiencing difficulties in one or various areas in your life, such as:
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Weight loss

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Lack of confidence

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Change in career

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Break down of relationships

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Deteriorating health issues

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Debt worries

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Work/life balance

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Exercise & nutrition

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Anxiety, depression & panic attacks

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Stress due to parenting (in particular teenagers!)

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Stress (all other stresses; work / finance, etc)

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Habits that are detrimental to your health, (smoking, excessive drinking; gambling addiction)

It is important to recognise that although many of these factors have an impact on our life, they are merely symptoms. It is the way you see yourself that moulds the way you experience your life - the things you believe and think about yourself, others around us and the world in general. Getting to know your true identify and beliefs are will raise the awareness of yourself and give you the drive to make the changes you're longing for.   

Life coaching helps people make significant and meaningful changes in their lives. Rather than focusing on the past, life coaching helps you to focus on the present moment as well as shaping the way you see your future. It recognises that it is important to accept your past, but helps you to focus on the "here and now".

A good life coach will help you to look at your current way of living; determine what you would like to achieve in your life and together work on a map from A to B and how best to achieve these goals.

A good life coach will guide, motivate, reassure, remind and encourage you, but will never tell you what to do (for this is YOUR life to live). They will help through active listening, good communication, questioning, interpretation and evaluation. An experienced coach will help you and be able to suggest various life tools and techniques to guide you towards the outcome you desire. You will, however, set the pace of the journey from A to B and make the changes towards achieving the life you wish for.

Some people confuse life coaching with normal therapy. As mentioned, life coaching deals with the "here and now" and positively helps you to move from A to B and shape your future. Therapy tends to focus on past events that have been holding us back and process these. Your coach will help guide you on a one to one basis to help you achieve your desired goals as set by yourself.

I believe that life coaching sessions will significantly raise your self-awareness. Experiences during coaching sessions can be overwhelming, but these are a normal part of your change process. You will be looking at yourself and your life in a more objective way, which will, in turn, provide you the opportunity to see your goals and how to achieve them going forward As coaching looks at one-self, you will often discover new interests that you did not know about before: passions and different paths in life to follow that you may not have considered before.

A positive change in one area of your life will lead to other positive changes in various areas of your life. By recognising your core beliefs it is quite possible that you will change many areas of your life at the same time, which will have a positive impact on your family, friends and those you socialise with.

I will provide you with the tools and encourage you to remove boundaries and limitations you may have placed upon yourself in the past. It is likely that this will lead to a more creative, proactive, and motivated "you".

I am a great believer that everything in life needs balance - coaching will help you to restore your natural balance. This will in turn help you to be healthier and lead a happier and more fulfilled life.

Everyone is unique and therefore there are no set times as to the length of coaching. I do offer single sessions, but most people book a minimum amount of 6 coaching sessions - you can always add more if needed.

Weekly coaching sessions usually are between 60 and 90 minutes in length.
Past studies have shown that it can take approximately 3 weeks to form a permanent habit. Therefore, in my experience, a weekly coaching schedule of six, one hour, sessions are enough to make a significant change for us to get you on an agreed path towards a "new you". Anything you put your mind to can be achieved!

I'm guessing if you are reading this, you have decided that you want to make some changes in your life. You can start this right now. Think about your thoughts and behaviour - do you think in a negative way most of the time and have negative emotions? If you recognise this in yourself, try to focus and raise awareness of the "here and now" and recognise your thoughts, feelings or actions Simply notice what is happening, as it happens, but do not judge yourself. You will soon realise that you have a choice to change your thoughts which will lead to feeling and thinking differently, in a way that is good for you and those around you. Change your focus - rather than thinking about what you don't want; work on thinking what you do want to do/have/achieve. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. This may feel unnatural at first, but you will soon recognise that thinking positive feels better and more natural.

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